Thursday, October 22, 2009

so not that anyone cares or actually reads this, but I deactivated my facebook. And I guess I will try and use this as a facebook replacement but like I said, no one reads this. So in case anyone does care enough to read or anything I'll try and post something everyday. If nothing else this can just be like a diary for me.
So as my first post I should probably start out by saying that I am still really sick. and its not really getting any better. They think I may have a weird case of H1N1. I hate missing school and getting so far behind, my teachers are being horrible about this and I'm just tired of getting yelled at when I try and go in for a half day. My fever is currently 99.4 and I want my sprite but my mom isn't home yet. I already went through a whole huge bottle today. grr.
I finished my 2nd college app a few days ago. I'm really happy about that. But I still have to send 4 more out. They are mostly all done except for the essays and recommendation stuff. I'm not sure who to ask for recs... any ideas?
Sorry this isn't a happy one like I used to write, life kinda sucks lately. And being this sick doesn't let me go out and hang out with my friends much... so sorry.
Post a reply or email me if you want. You guys know the drill. I'm gonna go back to bed, I can't sit up very long. <3

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