Saturday, October 25, 2008


Hola! So after many requests tonight for a new blog post here we go. I have no clue what I should talk about this will probably be really random. Sorry in advance!
Okay so right now I am having a conversation with someone about friends and how important they are. I believe that friends, true friends, are really hard to come by. And that losing your friends over something stupid is the saddest and dumbest things you could do. They are the people you go to when the world turns its back on you, they are the ones who make you smile and laugh when you really want to kill something. They are your rock, and if you lose them its like losing a life line. Take it from someone who knows what its like to have all of your friends walk out on you when you really needed them. Friends are important.
My friends are crazy as hell man. Really. Some are nerds(shut up) some are band geeks(we rule you all know it) some are just the people who get you through the most boring class of the day by laughing your ass off and the stupidest things. (right Sophie? stupid chair...) then you have the people you can't even classify because they are so weird and amazing that you love them for it. Oh and there's the ones who will always surprise you, and the ones you think that you have them all figured out and all of a sudden boom they surprise the hell outta you by saying "I'm totally into Screamo music" and there's the ones you could never live with out because they are the best person you know.
Mk sorry this was the most random post ever. Its late so no whining. :P I will post more tomorrow after the Packer game! <3

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