Saturday, October 25, 2008

Football Rant

Hey peeps! Sorry I didn't get a chance to blog last Sunday after the Packers game. I was upset because we (Green Bay Packers) lost to the stupid Vikings. By one point! seriously! If we got that last Field goal YOU would have lost by 2 points. But Frost kicked way wide. I was crushed.
Oh yeah and you Vikings fans are so mean. I mean really Harassing people is not okay.I am really disappointed in the sportsmanship that I saw from Minnesota fans. And I resent the fact that you Vikings fans think that you are the best fans in the NFL. Wait to you come to a Green Bay home game. You wont know what hit you.
Sorry if you guys don't care about this or football in general. But in case you didn't know, I take football very seriously. I am a hard core Packer backer and have been since I was born. It's actually been a tradition in my family, well actually only my dad's side of the family.
But anyways sorry this is short. I'm falling asleep. I will try and get another blog out tomorrow!

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