Saturday, October 25, 2008

Song of the Week

Hey so this is like my new favorite song, it really speaks to me and I can really relate to it. So I thought that I would start posting some songs on here to broaden all of your music listening. Enjoy!

Artist: Brooks And Dunn
Song: Cowgirls Don't Cry
Album: Cowboy Town

Her daddy gave her, her first pony
Then taught her to ride
She climbed high in that saddle
Fell I don't know how many times
Taught her a lesson that she learned
Maybe a little too well
Cowgirls don't cry
Ride, baby, ride
lessons in life are going to show you in time
soon enough your gonna know why
it's gonna hurt every now and then
if you fall get back on again
Cowgirls don't cry

She grew up
She got married
Never was quite right
She wanted a house, a home and babies
He started coming home late at night
She didn't let him see it break her heart
She didn't let him see her fall apart 'cause

Cowgirls don't cry
Ride, baby, ride
lessons in life are goinna' show you in time
soon enough your gonna know why
it's gonna hurt every now and then
if you fall get back on again
Cowgirls don't cry

Phone rang early one morning
Her momma's voice, she'd been crying
Said it's your daddy, you need to come home
This is it, I think he's dying
She laid the phone down by his head
The last words that he said

Cowgirl don't cry
Ride, baby, ride
lessons in life show us all in time
Too soon God lets you know why
If you fall get right back on
Good Lord calls everybody home
Cowgirl don't cry (this isn't the official video. It's not out yet)

The Dark

When you are little the dark is scary, because of the fear of monsters. When you are older the monsters are different self doubt, loneliness, regret. Though you may be older and wiser, you still find yourself scared of the dark. Scared of uncertainty, the unknown, even the known. You sit there in the dark and you are afraid. Little noises frighten you. The shadows on the wall terrify you, the shadows in your mind unnerve you. And the shadows in our hearts? Those are the most painful and terrifying part of the dark. Maybe we like the pain. Maybe we're wired that way. Because without it, I don't know; maybe we just wouldn't feel real. What's that saying? "Why do I keep hitting myself with a hammer? Because it feels so good when I stop."

Football Rant

Hey peeps! Sorry I didn't get a chance to blog last Sunday after the Packers game. I was upset because we (Green Bay Packers) lost to the stupid Vikings. By one point! seriously! If we got that last Field goal YOU would have lost by 2 points. But Frost kicked way wide. I was crushed.
Oh yeah and you Vikings fans are so mean. I mean really Harassing people is not okay.I am really disappointed in the sportsmanship that I saw from Minnesota fans. And I resent the fact that you Vikings fans think that you are the best fans in the NFL. Wait to you come to a Green Bay home game. You wont know what hit you.
Sorry if you guys don't care about this or football in general. But in case you didn't know, I take football very seriously. I am a hard core Packer backer and have been since I was born. It's actually been a tradition in my family, well actually only my dad's side of the family.
But anyways sorry this is short. I'm falling asleep. I will try and get another blog out tomorrow!


Hola! So after many requests tonight for a new blog post here we go. I have no clue what I should talk about this will probably be really random. Sorry in advance!
Okay so right now I am having a conversation with someone about friends and how important they are. I believe that friends, true friends, are really hard to come by. And that losing your friends over something stupid is the saddest and dumbest things you could do. They are the people you go to when the world turns its back on you, they are the ones who make you smile and laugh when you really want to kill something. They are your rock, and if you lose them its like losing a life line. Take it from someone who knows what its like to have all of your friends walk out on you when you really needed them. Friends are important.
My friends are crazy as hell man. Really. Some are nerds(shut up) some are band geeks(we rule you all know it) some are just the people who get you through the most boring class of the day by laughing your ass off and the stupidest things. (right Sophie? stupid chair...) then you have the people you can't even classify because they are so weird and amazing that you love them for it. Oh and there's the ones who will always surprise you, and the ones you think that you have them all figured out and all of a sudden boom they surprise the hell outta you by saying "I'm totally into Screamo music" and there's the ones you could never live with out because they are the best person you know.
Mk sorry this was the most random post ever. Its late so no whining. :P I will post more tomorrow after the Packer game! <3

Just a Horse

From time to time, people tell me, "lighten up, it's just a horse," or, "that's a lot of money for "just a horse". They don't understand the distance traveled, the time spent, or the costs involved for "just a horse."Some of my proudest moments have come about with "just a horse."Many hours have passed and my only company was "just a horse," but I did not once feel slighted. Some of my saddest moments have been brought about by "just a horse,' and in those days of darkness, the gentle touch of "just a horse" gave me comfort and reason to overcome the day. If you, too, think it's "just a horse," then you will probably understand phrases like "just a friend," "just a sunrise," or "just a promise.""Just a horse" brings into my life the very essence of friendship, trust, and pure unbridled joy."Just a horse" brings out the compassion and patience that make me a better person. Because of "just a horse" I will rise early, take long walks and look longingly to the future. So for me and folks like me, it's not "just a horse" but an embodiment of all the hopes and dreams of the future, the fond memories of the past, and the pure joy of the moment. "Just a horse" brings out what's good in me and diverts my thoughts away. I hope that someday they can understand that it's not "just a horse" but the thing that gives me humanity and keeps me from being "just a woman."So the next time you hear the phrase "just a horse" just smile, because they "just" don't understand.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Music Part 2

Hey guys!
So I'm still sick and in bed listening to music. :P So I was thinking about how I only used to listen to country music but now I love everything. Robert gave me a CD last year that had all Celtic music and some French rap. Actually a Flogging Molly song came on that got me thinking again... Anyways what classifies music? Do you have to understand it to like it? Does it have to have lyrics? Even nature sounds, storms, that one thing where people bang on trash cans? Seriously what do you believe classifies music?
Now for the second part of my post. Do you believe that certain people only listen to certain kinds of music? Or do you believe that you can tell what kind of music people listen to by looking at them? My best friend Michaela listens to Metal and by looking at her you would never guess that. (No offence Babe, I love you!) And with me I love so many different kinds of music, its impossible to peg me with just one type.
As always let me know what you believe/think!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Hey! So post numero dos! How exciting! Ok so I'm home sick with some fluish thing (that's why I wasn't in school thanks for noticing :P) Anyways I love music, like really love it. That's actually what I did the majority of the time I was conscious today, was listen to music. So I was just talking to my amazing friend Anna and she said "I'm gonna find a song about you..." and that got me thinking... Are there songs out there that each person can totally identify with? I think so! I personally have at least 10 songs that I can honestly say are about me or whatever. Oh so Anna just sent me a new song... I think its funny how she knows me so well and she always gives me music that I love. I seriously have like 6 CDs from her now! Lol thanks Anna!! Anyways... so at one point I had this music theory and I'm really wishing I could remember it right now... oh well I love music so much you guys will be hearing a lot of music stuff from me!
So I am curious... What are some songs that you are like "that is totally me" or ones that capture what you are feeling right now?

More to come later!!

Saturday, October 18, 2008


Hola! Welcome to my blog! I have no clue what will all be on here but hey everybody needs a place to talk and post their masterpieces! Not that I have any, I'm just saying. I will probably just talk and keep everyone updated with my life and what I'm doing and all of that fun stuff. With a few of my writings scattered here and there once in a while. So I guess that's it, my first post! Party! Sorry guys its way too late to right anything longer! But I promise there will be more to come soon! <3